
2022 iThome 鐵人賽

DAY 10

重新認識 devops系列 第 10

Day9:DevOps 定義大亂鬥!

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在前面幾天的內容中,我們聊了很多 devops 歷史相關的內容,今天先快速的回顧一下前面都聊了哪些重點。

  • DevOps 是一個超過 10 年的老 buzzword。
  • 雖然老,但因為一直不斷有新的思維、工具供應商與延伸 buzzword 加入戰局,因此老當益壯(謎之音:成語是這樣用的嗎?)
  • DevOps 議題的發展,與 IT、軟體開發及軟體交付的思維、工具、技術的演進有著密切關係。
  • DevOps 重視「交付價值、持續改善」。
  • DevOps 從「人/文化」議題發跡,然後涉入大量的技術與工具議題,最後再回到「人/文化」議題。
  • 可以發現「人/文化」議題,依然是歷久不衰的一項議題,而且不論全球哪個地區、哪種企業、產業都會遇到它。

從上面的回顧來看,咦,我們聊了這麼多天,除了在 Day1 提到 DevOps 只是個 hashtag 之外,似乎都還沒好好的解釋過什麼是 DevOps?

所以今天就讓我們來看一看目前商業戰場上,各家大廠對於 DevOps 的定義,來一場 DevOps 定義大亂鬥!有請選手們入場!


## DevOps Model Defined
## DevOps 模型定義

DevOps is the combination of cultural philosophies, practices, and tools that increases an organization’s ability to deliver applications and services at high velocity: evolving and improving products at a faster pace than organizations using traditional software development and infrastructure management processes. This speed enables organizations to better serve their customers and compete more effectively in the market.

DevOps 是集文化哲學、實務與工具於一身的結合,可提升組織快速交付應用程式和服務的能力:相較於使用傳統軟體開發與基礎設施管理程序的組織,這種作法能更快速地開發和改進產品。這樣的速度讓組織可以提供更好的服務給客戶,並在市場上更有效率地競爭。


## DevOps definition
## DevOps 定義

A compound of development (Dev) and operations (Ops), DevOps is the union of people, process, and technology to continually provide value to customers.

What does DevOps mean for teams? DevOps enables formerly siloed roles—development, IT operations, quality engineering, and security—to coordinate and collaborate to produce better, more reliable products. By adopting a DevOps culture along with DevOps practices and tools, teams gain the ability to better respond to customer needs, increase confidence in the applications they build, and achieve business goals faster.

DevOps 是開發 (Dev) 和作業 (Ops) 的複合,是人員、程序與技術的聯合,可持續不斷為客戶提供價值。

DevOps 對團隊代表了什麼意義? DevOps 能讓先前各自獨立的角色 (開發、IT 作業、品質工程和安全性) 互相協調並共同作業,以生產更好、更可靠的產品。藉由採用 DevOps 文化特性和 DevOps 做法及工具,團隊能更妥善回應客戶需求、對其建置的應用程式更具信心,並更快速達成業務目標。


## DevOps
## 開發運作

Take a deep dive into DevOps, the organizational and cultural movement that aims to increase software delivery velocity, improve service reliability, and build shared ownership among software stakeholders.



DevOps is an approach to culture, automation, and platform design intended to deliver increased business value and responsiveness through rapid, high-quality service delivery. This is all made possible through fast-paced, iterative IT service delivery. DevOps means linking legacy apps with newer cloud-native apps and infrastructure.

DevOps 是一種企業文化、自動化和平台設計的方式,藉由提供快速、高品質的服務,並仰賴步調快速且可重複運用的 IT 服務,以提升業務價值和應對能力。DevOps 的目的是將傳統應用程式與較新型的雲端原生應用程式和基礎架構互相連結。

IBM(IBM 網站上這一頁只有簡中翻譯)

## What is DevOps?
## 什么是 DevOps?

By definition, DevOps outlines a software development process and an organizational culture shift that speeds the delivery of higher quality software by automating and integrating the efforts of development and IT operations teams – two groups that traditionally practiced separately from each other, or in silos.

根据定义,DevOps 概述了软件开发流程和组织文化转变,通过自动执行并集成传统上各自为政的开发和 IT 运营团队的工作,以更快速度交付更高质量的软件。

Atlassian(Atlassian 網站上這一頁只有簡中翻譯)

## What Is DevOps?
## 什么是 DevOps?

DevOps is a set of practices, tools, and a cultural philosophy that automate and integrate the processes between software development and IT teams. It emphasizes team empowerment, cross-team communication and collaboration, and technology automation.

DevOps 是一套实践、工具和文化理念,可以实现软件开发团队和 IT 团队之间的流程自动化和集成。它强调团队赋能、跨团队沟通和协作以及技术自动化。

GitLab(GitLab 網站只有英文。)

## Overview

DevOps combines development and operations to increase the efficiency, speed, and security of software development and delivery compared to traditional processes. A more nimble software development lifecycle results in a competitive advantage for businesses and their customers.


DevOps represents a change in IT culture, focusing on rapid IT service delivery through the adoption of agile, lean practices in the context of a system-oriented approach. DevOps emphasizes people (and culture), and it seeks to improve collaboration between operations and development teams. DevOps implementations utilize technology — especially automation tools that can leverage an increasingly programmable and dynamic infrastructure from a life cycle perspective.

intel(想不到吧,連 intel 都有一整個網頁在介紹 DevOps。)

DevOps is a software engineering practice that is suited to cloud computing. In a DevOps environment, developers collaborate with IT operations and other teams. DevOps goes beyond continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) to enable near-instantaneous deployment of products and services in the cloud. The agility and flexibility of the DevOps framework enables organizations to adapt quickly to marketplace demands and maintain a competitive edge.


## DevOps Defined
## DevOps  の定義

DevOps is a contraction of “Development” and “Operations”. It signifies a move away from the old siloed approach towards integrated, holistic teams that work on Development, IT and Operations as one unit, each considering the needs and requirements of the others, to deliver business value to customers more quickly and reliably.

DevOps practices are moving into the mainstream with Developers and Operations communicating and collaborating to enable the rapid release of software. Developers are working with Operations to understand how their code affects infrastructure and to access production systems for monitoring and troubleshooting. Similarly, Operations are working with Developers to create automated, self service and reliable infrastructure and tools. All this while ensuring that the binary building blocks of software are kept secure while flowing through a fully-automated CI/CD pipeline.


Oracle(連資料庫供應商也有一整個網頁在介紹 DevOps!?)

## What is DevOps?
## DevOps 是什麼?

What is DevOps? Simply put, DevOps is a combination of two functions that are typically treated separately: development and operations. That definition of DevOps is the what. The why is even easier. Standardized development methodology, clear communication, and documented processes supported by a standards-based, proven middleware platform improve application development and management cycles, bring agility, and provide greater availability and security to your IT infrastructure. Clearly, DevOps is about connecting people, products, and processes. Ultimately, DevOps is about connecting IT to business.

DevOps 是什麼?簡而言之,DevOps 是指將開發和運作這兩個通常分開處理的功能結合在一起。這就是 DevOps 的定義,箇中原因更加簡單。標準且經認證的中介軟體平台支援標準化的開發方法、清晰的溝通和記錄的處理流程,可改善應用程式開發和管理週期,帶來敏捷性,並 IT 基礎架構提供更高的可用性和安全性。顯然,DevOps 是要將人員、產品和處理作業連接起來。歸根結底,DevOps 是要將 IT 與企業互相連接。


## What is DevOps?
## 什麼是開發營運?

DevOps refers to a broad range of practices related to the development and operation of software code in production in cloud [data centers]( DevOps is centered in Agile project management techniques and microservice support. DevOps approaches the entire software development lifecycle with automation based around version control standards. Git is the most popular version control solution in DevOps, followed by Subversion (SVN) and CVS. DevOps also includes management of CI/CD requirements for the software lifecycle, automated code testing, [container orchestration](, cloud hosting, and data analytics.

開發營運是指雲端資料中心生產階段中,與軟體程式碼開發與營運層面息息相關的各項實務。開發營運的主軸,是敏捷專案管理技巧與微服務支援,同時運用自動化的版本控制標準來掌控整個軟體開發生命週期。Git 為開發營運領域中最熱門的版本控制解決方案,Subversion (SVN) 與 CVS 則緊追在後。開發營運也涵蓋軟體生命週期、自動化程式碼測試、容器協調作業、雲端代管,以及資料分析方面的持續整合/持續交付需求管理。


## What Is DevOps?

DevOps is an approach to IT delivery that combines people, practices and tools to break down silos between development and operations teams. DevOps teams accelerate the development of applications and services and, with a more responsive approach to management of the IT infrastructure, can deploy and update IT products at the speed of the modern marketplace.

DevOps bridges the gap between “dev” and “ops” — in other words, software development, where the code behind applications is created, and IT operations, where those applications are put into production, available to end users, and maintained. DevOps emerged from two earlier trends: The agile development movement and lean manufacturing principles. The former emphasizes short sprints of work and rapid iteration to create a more responsive IT development organization, and the latter minimizes waste and maximizes productivity in factories.




## What Is DevOps?
## DevOpsとは?

**DevOps** is a catch‑all term for the blending of roles between developers and operations engineers. As the barriers between roles such as database administrator, systems administrator, and software engineer have eroded, the term DevOps has emerged as a way of describing the intersection of responsibilities from all these camps, and their increasing interrelation in the lifecycle of a product. A crucial enabling aspect of this movement is the increased use of automation in building, deploying, and monitoring large applications.


好了上面幫大家收集了很多不同「供應商」的 DevOps 定義,不知道大家看完之後的感想是什麼?(本來只想貼前面 3 間的,但意外發現幾間公司不知何時也多了專門介紹 DevOps 的網頁,於是欲罷不能的就貼了一堆了 XDD)

是不是覺得每一間公司都在講一些高大上,然後十分相似的話?然後看完之後,還是覺得自己似乎依然不知道什麼是 DevOps?

如果你也有這種感覺,你可以勇敢一點,把「似乎」拿掉,看完上面的定義們,我想大家仍舊「不知道什麼是 DevOps」。所以說,還記得我們 Day1 的梗圖嗎?讓我為各位再貼上一次!

知道我為什麼 Day1 就要放這張梗圖了嗎?這梗圖雖然好笑,但你不覺得很真實嗎?XD

DevOps 啊 DevOps,我真是搞不懂你啊~

不過即便我們還是不懂 DevOps,但是根據上面的各家定義,我們依然能歸納出幾個重點:

  1. DevOps 是一種文化、理念、思維
  2. DevOps 涉及多種實踐方法
  3. DevOps 涉及多種工具
  4. DevOps 與 CI/CD Pipeline 及自動化有關
  5. DevOps 似乎與企業的內部平台有關
  6. DevOps 似乎跟企業的 infrastructure 有關
  7. DevOps 與提升企業交付價值的能力有關
  8. DevOps 跟軟體(產品)生命週期有關
  9. DevOps 與提升企業產品(服務)的可靠性(穩定性)有關
  10. DevOps 能打破企業內部的各種角色的鴻溝,讓他們好好的協作
  11. DevOps 能提升企業的競爭力

只是截取一小段的定義,隨便都能列出 11 個重點,無怪乎各家供應商都要用到滿滿的一整個(或多個)網頁,才能解釋清楚 What is DevOps。

好了,今天的 DevOps 輕鬆聊就先在此打住了,我們明天再繼續聊 What is DevOps!

Day8:DevOps 講古(三)
Day10:廣義與狹義的 DevOps
重新認識 devops31
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